E-mail Aliases
Uncover what e-mail aliases are and also how they operate within your hosting account.
Creating an email alias means setting up an e-mail that shares the same mailbox as a totally different address both for the inbound as well as the outgoing email messages. For example, you’re able to make an e-mail address sales@domain.com and it'll be connected to its own mailbox. Next, you can make an alias support@domain.com, that can use the mailbox of sales@ and does not have a mailbox of its own. If you check your e-mails, you will notice messages sent to either one of the two email addresses in a single place, which might be far more convenient in some circumstances because you will not need to sign in and out of various email addresses working with webmail or create multiple email addresses in an email program. This option is often used as a replacement for forwarding messages from one e-mail address to another if multiple email addresses are listed for contact on a website.
E-mail Aliases in Website Hosting
With every single
website hosting plan we offer, it's possible to create tens or perhaps hundreds of aliases for every mailbox you have made in the account. The process is very easy and you can add or delete aliases with only a few clicks from our in-house developed Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. This function can save you precious time considering that it will probably be more convenient to control the messages from various e-mail addresses that you use or that are on your site in a single place. Once you answer, the other side will receive an e-mail from the alias, not from the main address associated with the mailbox. It is easy to combine this feature with e-mail filters or email forwarding if you want a backup of some types of e-mails both in the original mailbox as well as in other separate email addresses.
E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You're able to create and make use of aliases conveniently when you've got a
semi-dedicated server account with our company and we handle the mail service for your domain names. It will take a handful of mouse clicks with the Emails section of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel to add or delete an alias for any given mailbox and you'll be able to set up as much aliases as you want for a particular purpose. For example, if you happen to manage a website with different sections where you offer many services, you can make a separate alias and all of the messages sent for all business units can go to the exact same mailbox for simpler management and processing. Naturally, if a number of the emails are supposed to go to a person in charge of a exact service, you're able to combine working with aliases with our mail filters and email forwarding.